Sunday, February 6, 2011

Model Railroad

I saw this video on YouTube today while searching for stuff on my hometown.

It reminded me of the cheap electric train set I had back when I was 9 or 10. It had those interlocking track sections: some straight, some curved and some with two directions crossing. I would put together an elaborate track configuration on the floor, and scatter miniature houses, stores, stations etc. about next to the tracks. Then I would attach the plugged in power unit and place my engine and trailing cars on the track and set them into motion.

That cheap set gave me hours of enjoyment. The most fun was when I would get the speed up and have the train jump the tracks going around a curve! Woo Hoo!


  1. Cool vid but did you notice the date stamp. Steve

  2. Amazing! I actually did notice the month and day and how it didn't jive with the day of the show, December 28th - but the year didn't register in my brain! Thanks for noting it.

    Obviously the camera owner doesn't know how to set the time/date - probably doesn't even know that it doesn't have to be displayed.


  3. My Uncle had a three rail layout in his cellar. It amazed me as a kid because it had virtually no scenery but loads and loads of track and trains.

    We have a modern two rail layout now - it's not finished yet - and although we still put the current through the track each loco has a chip in it and, in our case, the locos 'chuff'.

    If you've not seen my railway blog please follow this link - and there's a blog list to other model railway sites. Enjoy!

  4. Thanks for the link. Since I subscribed to your YouTube channel I assumed that was what the link was to in your Blog. So, I had seen the YouTube videos at least.

    I am super impressed, being an absolute klutz myself. As a kid I wasn't even able to put together a model plane from a kit - and all I had to do was cut out the pieces and glue them together, and then to paint. Sadly, the only tools I've ever been able to master are the pen and pencil!

    I look forward to following your progress.

  5. Cheers Mr Ed - and thanks for Following.

    Doubtless there'll be more videos in due course and they'll go to U Tube first and then onto the blog coz it's a much quick upload that way.
