Monday, January 17, 2011

National Anthem

I don't much like our National Anthem. First, because it requires a range far outside the reach of the average person and is thus unsingable for most. Second, because it glorifies an incident in war - when those naughty Brits, not satisfied with having set our White House on fire, attempted unsuccessfully to capture Ft. McHenry and occupy Baltimore.

A bit of trivia - - Baltimore, Maryland is the only large city in the United States that has never flown a flag but the American Flag since the Declaration of Independence in 1776.

I really don't think playing the National Anthem prior to sporting events makes much sense. I can't see how baseball or football, or any other sport, has anything to do with patriotism. But, nobody ever consulted me on the subject.

Sometimes, though, this ritual can be quite moving - boosting one's pulse and setting the toes a-tingle. Yesterday, at the NFL divisional playoff game in Chicago between the Chicago Bears and the Seattle Seahawks was such an occasion.


  1. We sing our National Anthem before internationals - which is bit weird when we play against Scotland, because they refuse to sing it and instead sing some anti-English regional folk-song. (Nice!)

    We used to have the National Anthem at the end of plays and movies as well, but that went out in the 1960s.

  2. Thanks for comment & becoming new follower!

    I like that - "dueling singers"!

    I've always been amused when American National Anthem is played in the UK and all Brits stand respectfully - most unaware that the lyrics are quite insulting to England - glorifying successful defense against wicked British attack!
